40th Week’s Summary of $$$ Stretching challenge
Challenge at 40th week.
Kitty’s Real Spending Total $9134.41
+ 2006/7 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $9629.66
= Full Price (RRP) Income Challenge $18761.70
Opening CC Balance $0
Kitty’s Opening Balance Rollover $255.49 ($94 Bill A/C)
$$$Money in - $1057.20
= Total Income Balance. $1312.69
Bills Total $340.35
Other Spending & Groceries $557.71
$$$ Money out = $898.06
Cash Banked in other A/c’s $140.00
Kitty’s Rollover Balance $315.18 ($190 Bill A/C)
CC Balance $49.15 (No % period)
40th Week’s Summary of $$$ Stretching challenge
February 2nd, 2007 at 08:45 pm