Drove my car over to a shopping centre so that I could do some shopping there today, as I need to use a gift voucher I was given by a friend before the end of year.
It was for $10.00 at a chemist shop on non-medical lines. This gift voucher is a good one, in that you buy what you would like and then have taken $10.00 off the price of items bought. So as I needed some new batteries for my personal organizer even I could them cheaper else where but they would be the cost of the gift voucher @$9.90, there I got them for FREE, I bought just one other line that I would like to try too! So all up I spend $4.85 at the chemist. Saving $13.90 on the lines that I bought as the other was on a special discount price too! $$$ Another Strategy
I drop into the grocery store next door. Only bought four items that I wanted Italian herbs, @ $2.69, changed twice but found by the operator and cancelled out. Coconut @ $1.79, 4 rolls of Christmas wrap 50% off @ $3.58 saving $3.58 here. Some Fruit & Nut Mix @ $3.97 on special only but I was changed $6.99 full price on Thursday when the special had been going since Tuesday. So I got that item for FREE with a full refund. How can you get two mistakes in such a small order?
Today’s Full price Tally $37.38
Today’s Savings - $ 24.47
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $8787.55
Finding a Wrong Price
December 28th, 2006 at 08:55 am