Home > Getting ready for the water tank

Getting ready for the water tank

November 20th, 2006 at 08:41 pm

My project this week is to get ready for that water tank. It’s only week’s away from being delivered anytime after the 1st December in the time frame they gave me! With a two days notice of arrival.

Where the tank is going has a Cardamom plant growing for the past 10 years and is well matted in. This was in flower when I ordered the tank. I am looking at area 10 x 2 feet in the ground and 6 feet in height. No way can I get it out in two days with my energy levels of 1½ hours at a time per day. Today plan is to cut off the top of it. Working for about 1½ hours early this morning I got this done before it got to hot in that area. 5.00 to 6.30am is the best time for me or at night if someone else is doing it. If no one comes to help it will take about 10-15 hours for me to do, I would think or pay someone to do it for me. Goal here is have it finished by 1st December or earlier. To pay someone to remove this plant would be costly as it has be remove by hand. Savings here are great to do it for free. Well a little bit at a time will do it.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Soup & Toast Apple Coffee
DINNER Spaghetti Bolognese Coffee

1 Responses to “Getting ready for the water tank”

  1. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    We are having a drought in our area, so I am doing my bit to save water as it does rain in the city but not where they put the dams. This plant has got too large for me so it had to go when the garage is to be painted. The foundation and walls need fixing too! Tank water will be used to water the rest of my garden that has over thirty other plants & fruit trees. What is one plant to save all the others when in another year it would have to come out anyway!

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