Home > Another trip to the doctor’s

Another trip to the doctor’s

November 17th, 2006 at 09:13 am

It was DF-M yearly health assessment, all senior citizens over the age of 75 can have them FREE with our heath system. Along with other little services that you can get too! So far I have got DF-M someone to come to clean her house light duty only once every two weeks for $7.00 for two hours work, subsidy by the government for the balance. It’s better than paying $100 month out of her own pocket. Also I have had people to come make sure that her house is safe with rails etc. As I am 15 years younger than she is, I can’t get this service, it so that older generation can stay in their own homes longer. If they needing help then doctor can sign the forms for this kind of help. We have a very long waiting list for nursing homes here.

Afterward we went to the local supermarket for cat litter and biscuits.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Crackers & Blue Vein Cheese Fruit Coffee
DINNER Poach Fish & Salad Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $8.55
Today’s Savings - $0.65
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $7537.00

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