Home > Things for my Car

Things for my Car

November 13th, 2006 at 09:04 am

I went to my DS home today, as he was having his dishwasher fixed. After lunch we drove to auto supply store a few suburbs over from where my DS lives. I bought a Battery charger and car paint for touch up paint for my car as some one took some paint off my car last week, small mark but it need some paint on it.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Soup & Toast Apple Coffee
DINNER Omelette with Cheese Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $85.95
Today’s Savings - $ 0.00
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $7521.90

1 Responses to “Things for my Car”

  1. happyzookeeper Says:

    Sorry to hear you lost a little pain on the car! Sounds like you know just what to do about it though!

    I find it interesting you post your menus. It's given me a few new food ideas! Thanks!

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