Home > Walk up the street

Walk up the street

November 4th, 2006 at 09:43 am

As I was not up to walking up the street to the Chemist on Friday, so I went today. I bought DF-M & my own prescription medicines. Both of us are on a pension so get a medication subsidy. Paying only $4.70 on each script, instead of normal government subsidy that is available here. This is around $29.00 on each script.

I drop in to the bookshop and bought 2 books and put 4 others hold to buy next week.

My arm is much better, using the small soft exercise ball this method is working the best. It’s almost right, just a light pain now. All I am doing is putting it in my hand squeezing as much & as often as possible.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Italian Bean and Tuna Salad & green salad Coffee Apple Coffee
DINNER Hungarian Goulash with Rice Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $44.00
Today’s Savings - $ 38.30
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $7138.51

4 Responses to “Walk up the street”

  1. janh Says:

    So glad your arm is better!

  2. sarah Says:

    Arms can really hurt. Glad you are doing better

  3. PRICEPLUS Says:

    WOW!! Look at the size of that saving tally! Way to go!

    I hope the arm is better soon!Smile

  4. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Thanks my arm is now better!

    Priceplus - Yes the saving tally is growing very nicely. This is all those little subsidies, discounts, shopping wisely and living fugally as much as possible and still having a life with family & friends. My plan is to write what I'm doing and how I am going about it and how I save at times, I'm doing for one whole year. I think that it will be about $10000> at year's end, that's a little less than 5 months away.

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