Home > Day 3 Gardening

Day 3 Gardening

October 16th, 2006 at 09:36 am

I needed to clean the pot plant area before I do much more so that it will clear and tidy to return the pots once potted. This job took over 1½ hours to do. I did cleared it out and put another bag of bark over the ground too! I did manage to get around 10 pots repotted as well! This will save me a lot of water when things get bad. I am using a cheap potting mix but adding a lots of fertilizers and Wetta ® soil products too! As I will be using mostly recycle grey water, I also adding a bit of gypsum to help with any salt in the washing grey water. I also have clay in my soil so with any run off, this will help the general ground soil as well! This is a tip I read a few months back so I am trying it out as my plants are not any nursery bought plants, they all died years ago.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Crackers & Blue Vein Cheese Coffee
DINNER Pasta with Pasta Sauce & Tuna Coffee

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