My handyman friend came to work on my odd jobs. The list was a bit long as I am having my plumbing checked by state government plumbing program for $20.00 in October. You do get 3 tap washer charged, tap water flow on taps in the bathroom & kitchen. Plus a free AAA shower rose fitting. Value $150. But I had more problems then that to worry about, as I have very old taps to start with a some taps never had washer changed as long I can remember I have lived here for 36 years. Two of the taps were hot water ones that I didn’t use much and haven’t been turn on in years, so they were frozen on off and I could move them. The other two were the hot water tank tap and toilet water inlet tap both frozen in on position, a big problem if something when wrong. So he fix these taps for me as he has gear to do it. Put up my Smoke Detector and fire blanket in the right places. Fixed my kitchen cupboard which need to be replaced in next few years. I made him lunch as well morning tea. He keeps telling me that I am the only woman he knows has all supply that he needed to these jobs. Only thing we run out was large tap washers so he went an got a supply of them for himself and some for me to restock my supply too! Cost for all these job $5.00 in plumbing washers & Gas. 3 hours work too! Oh my handyman is not just jack of all trades is a he a license builder who does small jobs when he has time free, he like to keep my place just right lucky me! I always pay for any materials used and gas. It’s part of barter system, as I am there when he needs help with his computer and budgeting advice.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Honey Mustard Chicken with Vegetables and Rice, Fruit, Coffee
DINNER .Omelette with Cheese Coffee
Today’s Full price Tally $100.00
Today’s Savings - $95.00
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $6203.96
My handyman friend
September 26th, 2006 at 12:02 pm