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Making my own recipes and modifying other recipes

September 19th, 2006 at 11:27 am

At times, I like to try packet goods out first before I start substituting commercial-made items for a recipe made from scratch one. I was lucky the other week to get three packets of meals that I just had to add the meat too! Now that I know what it tastes like and what ingredients the manufacturer used. Now I can go and look at my cookbook collection for similar recipes and make my own combinations up using a few different recipes and ingredient of the packet as a guide. This does end up at times with a new version with a similar name. I start this when I couldn't eat certain foods over a number of period years, now I can eat them but not as much as before.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Crackers with Low-Fat Cream Cheese & Tomato Mandarin Coffee
DINNER Pasta with Pasta Sauce & Tuna

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