A catalogue arrived with something’s that I was looking for a time. Also it had competition that I am to collect a prize too! So today I sat down and filled in the order form so along with P&P it came to around $90.00. I don’t know if I save any money but I will see what I get in the way a freebies when it arrives. I will post saving on arrival.* It’s along time since I have order from a catalogue so we will see what happens, I will get the cheque and photocopy of my order in the morning.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Grilled Cheese with Mustard Toasted Slices Apple Coffee
DINNER Corn & Chicken Soup, Fried Rice, Black Bean Beef Water
Today’s Full price Tally $90.00
Today’s Savings - $0 *
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $5782.61
Mail order shopping
September 14th, 2006 at 11:32 am