Home > A little bit of Op Shop Retail Therapy today.

A little bit of Op Shop Retail Therapy today.

September 9th, 2006 at 08:22 am

I was getting housebound. I went to three op shops plus the bookshop along with supermarket. As well going over to fruit shop later in the day. Want did I buy? Well a mixed lot this time, as it has been rain this week I notice that I was getting water in my letterbox after it rained. So went looking for a cake rack/baking tray that would fit inside my letterbox, I got a perfect size one baking tray for 1.00. saving $4.00 No more wet mail. I found 2 cup steel vacuum flask for $5.00 (value $35.00) but it didn’t keep things hot but will do nicely for cold drinks in summer. I had one many years ago the brand was ‘Thermos’ and I had the same problem I will never learn. I have a Décor one and it stay hot for 24 hours. I bought some cookbooks for $3.50 the RRP $ 26.00 saving around $23.00. On the Groceries plus Fruit & Vegetable shopping as I bought some black olives for 50c packet (saving $23.50 kg) saving $5.20 on them.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Grilled Cheese with Mustard Toasted Slices Apple Coffee
DINNER Devilled Sausages with Garlic Focaccia Bread Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $79.00
Today’s Savings - $60.70
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $ 5782.61

1 Responses to “A little bit of Op Shop Retail Therapy today.”

  1. LuckyRobin Says:

    Kitty, I have had good luck with Aladdin brand in keeping things hot. I don't know if you have that in Australia or not but it does work much better than the other brand, I've found.

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