Home > Arrival of Prize Pack

Arrival of Prize Pack

August 29th, 2006 at 10:06 am

At Lunch time today the parcel arrived that was quick.
I got for FREE.
Biography Book ‘The Restless Spirits’ by Cassi Plate value ?
ABC magazine value $7.95
2 DVD ‘I-CLAVDIS’ Part 1-4 (652 minutes of viewing time) value ?
1 CD – The Audreys … on the modern side but OK for background noise. Value ?
1 CD – Danny Boy … 19 versions of the same song. OK for background noise. Value ?
I do like Danny Boy TOO!
Plus an autograph of radio announcer. Priceless.

I will check the values when I go to the city to-morrow! I will the value of saving to-morrow.

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LUNCH Crackers with Cottage Cheese Chutney & Herbs Fruit Coffee
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SNACK Homemade Muesli Bar

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