Home > Shopping for Vegetables

Shopping for Vegetables

August 27th, 2006 at 08:58 am

Quite day again today. The only spending today was over to the Fruit shop to get fruit & vegetables for next week. Spending $5.60 on Potatoes, Pumpkin & Chinese vegetables.
All will last a few weeks.

I bought a whole pumpkin in the size that I will all of it this time and I wouldn’t need to give away half each time I cut into it. But last time, I grew it and they were very large ones too!
Potatoes are for making fish loaves later this week and some stuffed baked potato early next week. They are all basic recipes.

BREAKFAST 2 Boiled Eggs Toast & Jam Coffee
LUNCH Soup & Toast Coffee apple
DINNER Black Beans Beef with Noodles Custard Tart Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $5.50
Today’s Savings - $1.00
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $4628.32

1 Responses to “Shopping for Vegetables”

  1. homebody Says:

    Are you making pumpkin pie with that fresh pumpkin?? Yum!

    Also will you post your Beef Black Bean recipe or if you don't have a recipe, what is in it??

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