Home > Serving lunch at my house.

Serving lunch at my house.

August 21st, 2006 at 10:07 am

When I have visitors or guests to stay, I serve a lunch, where I put out in divided dishes enough food for all of us in controlled portions plus one extra serve. It’s most times, mix your own salad, only thing I make is one of the following mixed beans salad, rice salad or pasta salad. I serve enough of other things to make a meal. Mixed salad green, olives, sliced tomatoes, pickled onions, bread & butter cucumbers, asparagus, fresh shallots & herbs, cheese, eggs, ham, tuna or sardines, Chutneys, relishes, lemon juice and two salad dressings and a long with crackers & bread. What is left in the dishes is used to make a meal later in the week. I never had anyone say I don’t eat this stuff, very little is left too! If put out full containers of each for two or three people they take a lot of one thing and don’t try any of others. e.g. olives serving is 4 so I put out 12 for two people. Cheese is 30g each. If it’s a luxury item then I only put out enough per serving only.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Soup & Toast Apple Coffee
DINNER French Onion Chicken with Toast Fruit Coffee

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