Home > Just shopping & ironing again!

Just shopping & ironing again!

August 17th, 2006 at 11:48 am

Caught up on some of my ironing this morning and went shopping this afternoon with DF-D

Bought a large storage container with a Raincheck that I had saved $5.36 on it too! Some frozen Asian dinners were on sale 60% off so I bought 3 of them for a change, I will get two meal out of each as you need to add the protein to it cost $2.50 a serve but it will be a change. I will cook up the whole meal up and use the other serve as a meal in the next two days after cooking. I have plenty of steaks in the freezer to use. Saving on Asian dinners & soup $9.80 along with my staff discount of $1.05

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Soup & Toast Apple Coffee
DINNER Black Bean Beef with Noodles Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $37.06
Today’s Savings - $16.21
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $4442.32

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