Home > Car Parking

Car Parking

August 16th, 2006 at 09:35 am

Taking DF-M to hospital for a check up after she had being in hospital last month.

As I was just an escort for DF-M she paid for the bus fare. Saving $2.20 she was unable to walk that distance to the hospital.

With free car parking is just three streets from our homes. It saved around $9.00 by going by bus over paid parking in the visitor car park or $280 on towing fees, if I had parked in the shopping centre across the street and got caught parking there. You have to stay within the shopping centre or just go to the post office and back or they will tow you! Many have been caught too! It’s only five blocks too! It will get worse next year when two-hour parking comes in for the whole area including where we live too! Use Public Transport Strategy

Had all slacks fitted so that I can take up my hems that my next project to do! Seven pairs of slacks to take the hems up on. Oh well! I will get them done one day.

Quite day at home after had long afternoon nap.

BREAKFAST Baked Beans on Toast Coffee
LUNCH Crackers with Avocado & Herbs Fruit
DINNER Pasta with Pasta Sauce & Tuna Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $2.20
Today’s Savings - $2.20
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $4426.11

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