Well its time that I did some ironing as I haven’t ironed in 20 days. So I got out my ironing press and had the job done in no time at all. Why don’t I use it more often MMMM!
I think that as I have got around $200.00 for my Bulk Food Replacement Fund so I will just stop tally this when I get over that amount. I have put this money into my online bank account until I need it. Now I will put any surplus grocery money into my emergency fund. That will be the differences between what I spend and I what I budgeted for the year. I will still post my menu each day as this will make me do one each week.
I am still living as much as I can out of my bulk pantry and freezers. I don’t know when the day will come that I will actually run out of something that I need and have to go to a neighbor to borrow it. It’s always the other way around. I once had one come and ask I did I have some Saffron as they didn't want to use turmeric in a recipe. Hey! I not that clueless, I do know the difference and the price between the two. I only use turmeric myself.
BREAKFAST Oatmeal with Current & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Avocado & Cottage Cheese on Crackers Apple Coffee
DINNER Fillet Steak, Egg, Onion & Tomatoes Coffee
Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $198.70
No spending day
August 5th, 2006 at 10:30 am