Home > June / July Goals & Planning Update.

June / July Goals & Planning Update.

July 31st, 2006 at 09:15 am

I did it, all most!

~ Have my credit card at Zero balance by end of the month. ~~~~ done.
~ Come under budget. (But for Car it’s to come out of Bill A/C.) ~~~ done
~ Open online account. ~~~~ Done
~ Pay All Due Bills on pension days. ~~~~ Done
~ Have my car service and rust proofing installed ($600.00 plus service.) ~~~ booked in August
~ Have my termite inspection & pest control done (estimate $180) (Had termites a few years ago) annual check. ~~~~ to-morrow
~ Chiro visit (one every 4 weeks) ~~~ done
~ Doctor Visit & Hearing Test for June.~~~ done
~ Five known outings to budget for in June. (Morning Tea, Lunch, Picnic, 2 Dinners.) ~~~ Done
~ Live off my Bulk Food Assets.~~~ done but bought some meat.
~ Make up another eight meals OAMC. Out of Bulk Food Assets. ~~~ done
~ Downsizing living areas and clean these areas ~~~ done
~ Visit by a relative in July. ~ came & gone

1 Responses to “June / July Goals & Planning Update.”

  1. Bookie Says:

    Very impressive achievement list. I envy you your energy.

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