Took my niece to work today very early this morning, dropped her luggage off at the motel that she will stay the night at then drove her to work around the corner 1km away. I will pick her up tomorrow afternoon at same motel. Joys of being the driver. I live about 15 minutes away but 45 minutes away if it was a weekday, cost of taxi to & from my place is expensive. No public transport at that time of the morning on weekends. (1½ hours trip if using public transport each way, anyway)
When I got home later in that day. My DF-M came home from hospital in the afternoon. When we checked her medicine, I found that chemist at the hospital gave her the wrong thing, so it was off to local chemist to see what could be done. It does pay to take all the items with you, as they had given her the wrong pressure pack for asthma. Which I had to drive too a different chemist before it closed for the weekend to get right one. Two hours to fix it up too! What a runaround!
In the end I just made it to supermarket to buy milk for DF-M before it closed too!
I never spent any money (cash) all day of my own money.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH Soup & Toast Coffee Apple
DINNER French Onion Chicken, Muesli Bar Coffee
Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $161.65
Just Driving Around
July 22nd, 2006 at 10:02 am