Home > Hearing test today

Hearing test today

July 20th, 2006 at 09:30 am

I got to get an hearing aid as I am going deaf in my left ear and losing my hearing in right if don’t get that left hearing aid soon! I am luck that our government is subsidize it, I will only pay for the extras that will make wearing it easier I hope! I thought that something was wrong when I slept though the siege a few weeks back. I had to pay a $50.00 deposit today but will get it in about five weeks time. I will include my savings on my hearing aid when I pay for it.

I bought 2 new books but markdown, saving $17.90. Lunch out costing $2.50 ‘two for one deal’ with free coffee, saving $4.95. Multi -Trip Bus Ticket using my senior card yet again, so saving $10.40

I did some housework before I went to the city today. So I am on track to have my house up to scratch for my visitors.

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Coffee
LUNCH lunch out*
DINNER Macaroni & Cheese, Paddle Pop Coffee

Today’s Full price Tally $106.15*
Today’s Savings - $33.25
Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $158.60
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $3427.84

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