Home > Picking up a parcel

Picking up a parcel

July 15th, 2006 at 12:08 pm

While we were at the doctor’s yesterday. The parcel post arrived for DF-M. I was told that it was very large and heavy this morning and now we have to go to the post office to get it, as she has to sign for it. So that is our task today at the moment she is a little better but not much. Boy! It was big and heavy full of cooking ware from a party she went too when she was with her daughter in Sydney last month. I used a trolley so I didn’t have to carry it very far. She bought some meat on the way home. I got some fillet steak for my trouble. I spent no money today.

BREAKFAST - Oatmeal with Current & Milk, Toast & Jam, Coffee
LUNCH - Pumpkin & Lentil Stew Apple, Coffee
DINNER – Poach Fish & Salad Coffee

Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $148.40

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