Home > A day by the river

A day by the river

July 3rd, 2006 at 04:44 am

I was up early and worked on the computer. As I made my lunch and got it ready yesterday, just got to pack it with my chilly brick to keep it cool!

Catching the bus into the city to go our Botanical Gardens in the City, as we are lucky to have two Botanical gardens here. This one is now over 150 years old as it was the city first farm before that too! You would never think that we are in a drought when you go there, but they are using recycle water to keep it going. They have large duck pond, which they truck recycle water too then pump the water from there. They were trucking water while I was sitting wanting for my friends to come.

We had a beautiful day and just talked, talked. I hope to do this every few weeks until Summer, when it will be too hot for outdoor picnics.

It was a No Spending day as my bus ticket was pre-paid.

BREAKFAST - Bacon & Egg Tomatoes Baked Beans Coffee $1.50
LUNCH – Picnic - Salad Mandarin $2.50
DINNER - French Onion Chicken $1.25

Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $ 121.65

1 Responses to “A day by the river”

  1. PRICEPLUS Says:

    I love to spend time in a garden. I especially love the quiet. It refreshes the mind and the soul! Sounds like a great day for not a lot of money.Smile

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