Challenge at 8th week.
Kitty’s Real Spending Total $2075.39
+ 2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $2826.02
= Full Price (RRP) Income Challenge $4901.41
8th week’s Summary of $$$ Stretching Challenge
Opening CC Balance $0
Bank Fees & Interest $0
Kitty’s Opening Balance Rollover $340 ($161 Bill A/C)
$$$Money in - $1001
= Total Income Balance. $1341
Bills Total $791.58 – ($261 cc) = $530.58
Other Spending & Groceries $260.87
$$$ Money out = $1244.42
Cash $96.50
Cash Banked in other A/Cs $160
Kitty’s Rollover Balance $292.97 ($141 .00 Bill A/C)
CC Balance $261.00
8th week’s Summary of $$$ Stretching Challenge
June 22nd, 2006 at 11:14 pm