I am cutting back on unwanted plants, tiding up some plants. Raking garden lawn as I don’t need to mow it just yet, another 2 weeks I would think then just cutting the tops off weeds in the lawn. As I plan to keep it a little higher than it is now!
Tidy the patio and sweeping it too! Removed any dead or unsightly plants.
As for watering it’s now via buckets or watering can only. I filled my yellow Tuff tub bucket up then just filled my watering can to half each time. As when you fill it to full it’s too heavy and I do have a sore back to start with.
As a younger adult I worked on a drink bar. So I know how heavy buckets can be if you are doing it for along time like we will be, then you just don’t fill them up to the top! At least I will not have to waters any plants above my head as I did when I was working filling drink machines with buckets on the drink bar.
This may be the reason that I am more safety conscious than other people, as I had that job for 10 years.
My Garden & Watering
June 21st, 2006 at 01:03 pm