Home > Clothes in Charity Bin.

Clothes in Charity Bin.

June 6th, 2006 at 07:33 am

I put all the clothes that I decided to give away in the car this morning, and took them to a charity bin before I unpacked them again. I always give myself only 24 hours to get things out of the house if they are going. I started this when I found, that I had let DS leave things in his wardrobe after he left home. I had asked him to remove them, and always got, ‘I'll do it later’ remark, well one day I said enough was enough. So I just went in, only kept things of value, gave away clothes that were 6 sizes too small now, and papers from rentals he had lived in 8 years before. Some stuff had been in that wardrobe for 14 years. He had been married 5 years by then and left home 8 years before that! So the remark ‘ten years and waiting’ applies here! I do know that I keep things for a long time but I'm no longer keeping things for other people, for me to move around my house.

As I had to go to the shopping centre in the car, I did my cats groceries shopping too! Their dry cat food was on special and along with their regular cat food which went up yet again. Saving $1.50 I bought dairy markdowns, one my favourite health drink reg. $4.85 m/d $1.74, milk coffee 1L reg. $3.38 m/d $1.74 1L skim milk reg. $1.80 m/d 90c. Saving $5.65 2 jars of jam $1.99. Saving $2.86 I bought two books at the thrift shop $3.50 RRP $ 25.00 saving $21.50 and The Di Vinci Code shopping bag plus lotto tickets.

BREAKFAST Oatmeal & Currants with Milk Coffee 40c
LUNCH Crackers with Cheese & Mustard Pickle Relish Apple Coffee 40c
DINNER Honey Mustard Chicken with Vegetables and Rice, Fruit Coffee $2.20

Today’s Full price Tally $54.28
Today’s Savings - $31.51
Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $64.85
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $2473.90

2 Responses to “Clothes in Charity Bin.”

  1. jana trigleth Says:

    my husband committed sucicide and i was forced to leave with nothing if gods willing i need help size 11 pants med and lg shirts sz 8 shoes

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    It’s your time to ask for help, I’m sorry at your lost. Remember that it’s not your fault.

    As I don’t know where you live and mostly in America which is the other side of the Pacific Ocean to where I am. I can’t help you personally but I may be able to guide you in the right direction.

    If you are a member of a church then go there to ask for help.
    Salvo’s may be able to help you in your part of the world.
    Look in some thrift shops for clothes or yard sales for things that you need also.

    Time will heals all things.

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