As I live alone all prices are for one person and everything is at cost.
You need to remember what you are paying for things, this skill I learnt when I was working.
Rule of thumb: Cost of items or recipe divide by number of serving.
example: updated 2006
Cost of Economical Breakfast ~
2 weet-bix 11c
1/4 cup skim milk 5c
3 prunes 5c
1 toast 4c
Black Coffee or Tea 5c
Hot Water 0 = 30 cents
Cost of Economical Breakfast ~
1/3c Quick Oats 4c
1/4 cup skim milk 5c
1 tbsp. sultanas 5c
1 tsp. Honey 3c
1 toast 4c
Black Coffee or Tea 5c
Hot Water 3/4 c 0 = 26 cents
Note: If you have Jam & Butter on your toast adds 30c
Vegemite add 2c
The Muesli that I have is homemade and very expensive to start off to make. Now I have got it too around 40c serve. I make enough for 21 days at a time and costing now is under $6.00.
The first time that I made it cost over $21.00 to make. I did a costing chart for it. Now I buy in bulk and on special if I can get the ingredients cheaper. Storing most of the items in the 2nd fridge.
Milk is mostly bought as 1kg bag of skim milk powder made up by the 1/2 cup dried and 600ml (1 pint) of water. This lasts around 4 days for my cereal only. If I can get fancy milk products at a markdown price then I will buy them for variety. Milk on cereal would be around 5c a day.
Lunch per serve
2 slice of bread or 3 crackers (broken into 6 small crackers) @ 10c
Chutney or relishes @ 5c
Cheese is bought when on special @ 20c
Salads around @ 60c
Pasta and 1/2 cup pasta sauce with 1/2 cup vegetables @ 60c
Just a few items here.
Take Steak Dinner with Canned Mushrooms, Egg, Grilled Onions and Grilled Tomatoes @ $2.20
Based on $1.20 per Steak, Onion 20c, Tomato 20c, Mushrooms 40c, and Egg 20c
I only buy steak at its lowest price that I can find. Last time I bought steak, I got 3 trays @ $1.14 each, a steak at its regular price here is $21.99 kg at the moment. When buying meat tray markdowns buy the cheapest and the lowest price you can find. Look at the weight before you choose which tray to take if you are not taking all of them. But in truth if I want too, I could only post value of the bulk items in this case it would be Steak $1.20 & Mushrooms 40c @ $1.60.
Meals made from Chicken To-Night Sauce on special $1.50 to $1.99 range, @50c serve, 300g Chicken Breast diced (@ $10.00 kg), 3 serves of chicken for 4 meal. @ .75 serve, vegetables 500g $1.50 @ 38c allowing $1.65 meal serving.
As I am repeating recipes and meals on a regular bases. I can estimate costs, as I am writing in my Blog at times.
How I am pricing my meals?
May 30th, 2006 at 10:25 am
May 30th, 2006 at 05:06 pm 1149005166