Home > Clearing the kitchen counter.

Clearing the kitchen counter.

May 29th, 2006 at 11:56 am

All I can say it’s about time too! I have been ‘go-an-do-that’ for so long now! I don’t remember the last time I did it. I do tidy it up but not a deep clean and clear everything off it. I rearranged some of the stuff that I have on the counter and put some stuff away too. I feel much better now that I have done it! Now what is the next area that bugging me MMMMMMM!

BREAKFAST Oatmeal & Currants with Milk Coffee 35c
LUNCH Corn Beef Salad, Crackers, Honey Puffs, Coffee 60c
DINNER Devilled Sausages Yogurt & LSA Coffee 75c

Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $41.40

1 Responses to “Clearing the kitchen counter.”

  1. markio26 Says:

    good for you... i know keep the counters clean and clear is an ongoing task for our family as well... i just surrender... i like to keep my crockpot out on the counter, spouse has to have a 1 cup coffee maker, plus the 12 cup coffee maker, out in case he has company... lol.. son has to have the toaster and his hot chocolate machine.....

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