Home > Affluenza


May 25th, 2006 at 09:33 am

The library called to say that the book I ordered had come in in the middle of last week’s crisis!

“Affluenza , The All –Consuming Epidemic” 2nd edition. by John De Graaf, David Wann & Thomas H. Naylor. I didn’t need to buy it like I normally do this time! I will read it over the next few weeks and give my view on it. Anyone read it?

Well going to the library does cost money, 55c fee for order it in, that was Ok. But I had a $5 voucher off clothes at full price only to use up before the end of the month. So I bought another top, a nice brown one for $11.95 saving $5.00. Then off to the supermarket in this shopping centre, I prefer not to go to shopping centre if I can help it. I got 50L container on special $7.95 saving $4.00 on that one. Oh! As usual I gravitate to the markdown areas, this time dairy case found 3 cartons of skim milk for 28c each, RRP $1.15 saving $2.51 and 2 packs of chicken thighs $1.00 each saving $2.00. I went to the Thrift shop there & got another book on same theme as “Affluenza” title is Slaves of Chic by Joanne Finkelstein. (An A- Z of Consumer Pleasures). RRP $19.95 cost $2.00 saving $17.95

I did use the car today only second time since I filled up the tank too! No wonder I get six weeks between fill up!

After my afternoon nap, if I don’t have it I am so tired by 7 p.m. that’s it time for early night. Then I will wake up around 2am, not a good idea.

I went for a walk up to my Hungry Jack’s for my favorite 30c cone and two cups of free cappuccino, saving $4.90. Bought some eggs at our local supermarket because they have them in the refrigerator not on the shelves. On the way home, I drop in at 2nd hand bookstore and bought 5 novels for $2.00 (The sign said $1.00 each or 5 for $2.00 someone got that one wrong.) RRP value $40.55 saving $38.55

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Prunes Coffee 45c
LUNCH ˝ Baguette and Sardine & Tomato Sauce Coffee 50c
DINNER Apricot Chicken & Rice 1 Pancake & Ginger Jam $2.00

Today’s Full Price Tally $108.63
Today’s Savings - $75.49
Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $32.20
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $1343.50

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