Today I charged over my seasons in my wardrobes. Taking out my winter clothes and put away my summer clothes that I will not wear again until October here or later. It’s still in the twenties in the middle of the day but it’s getting cooler in evenings. But sleeveless tops are no longer needed and any items that you can’t wear a vest under it.
I also refilled my moth ball holders in each wardrobe as they were empty. I buy extra loose mothballs and refill the hanging holders ones, you can get them from Chinese supermarket here, if you know want you are looking for. Hanging holder cost $2.00 for 2, but once you bought them you have got them for many years. But the supermarkets would like us to buy the hangers only. I found that the bottoms do come off, you need to use a knife to open it. Then you can put the refill in & close it again. I almost can get two full refills out of one bag for around $1.50 bag. I keep the mothballs in an old coffee tin that is well labeled so that they are airtight until next time. I has have four sets of these hangers so I am paying $8.00 for original outlay + $1.50. So each time I replace them I saving $7.25 by using ‘Refill It Strategy’. With using around 1.5 bags per year. That’s $21.75 saving per year on mothball hangers.
BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk 2 slices Toast & Jam - 75c
LUNCH Cheese Salad Orange Coffee .60c
DINNER 2 Egg Cheese Omelette and Pasta Sauce & Grilled Peppers - 50c
Today’s Full price Tally $8.00
Today’s Savings - $7.25
Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $18.45
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $1145.84
Seasonal charge over
May 19th, 2006 at 09:41 am