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What happens to your savings plan when feeling low!

May 17th, 2006 at 11:28 am

I am feeling a little better today, so long walk is need here! Paying my phone bill will do the trick! WRONG, it just gave my “I am feeling low mood” free rein to spend a little money more than I did yesterday too! I saw in the flyer for local sight & sound store here that DVD were on sale for three DVD titles that is on my want to buy list, not on my need to buy list. Oh it’s was Mother Day last Sunday and didn’t get a present Boo-hoo! (I am getting it in June, when I my DS & DIL come home from their trip to Europe.) Two of the titles were still there, so what did I do Yes, bought both to view later, if I ever get off the computer. One was new movie version ‘Pride & Prejudice’ $39.95 - SP $16.95 and the other ‘Paradise Road’ Reg. $14.95 - SP $6.95.

Why did I buy ‘Paradise Road’ DVD. Here is a little tale of my childhood growing up in suburbia. My favourite radio serial as a child on Sunday night was the ‘White Coolies’ about Australian nurses that were prisoners of war in WWII. Out of all radio serials of that time and listening to Voice of America and BBC on short wave in Dad’s Garage is all that I can remember now! Today, children have their Game boys, X-boxes, Play Stations 3 etc. I had my radio and a short wave one at that! And for girl of ten that was rare then to sit for hours listening to short wave. Even if your distant cousin was a radio presenter on the local radio station and your younger sister listened to rock & roll on house radio and record player and worn out the carpet dancing to it too!

So much for musing of my childhood, back to my walk & shopping trip. After that I went to pay my phone bill and buy some Yogurt and apples for the week. Both were on special too!

BREAKFAST Muesli & Milk Apple 80c
LUNCH Crackers with Cheese and Tomato Orange Coffee 70c
DINNER Corn Cob 3 Chicken Kebabs & Salad $2.00

Today’s Full price Tally $100.32
Today’s Savings - $35.26
Bulk Food Replacement Fund - $14.25
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally - $1080.00

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