Home > Freezer Inventory

Freezer Inventory

May 13th, 2006 at 11:20 am

Well it’s about time that I did a Freezer Inventory, as I don’t know what’s lurking at the bottom of my chest freezer. Just living off the top half! I will defrost while I am at it too! Not that it too bad, but a little more than wants recommend ¼ inch I think it is. All three freezers (2 fridge freezers & 160L chest freezer) that I have are now full. As this morning, I got 4 loaves of free bread & 2 whole Pumpkins homegrown one’s to go with the 2 whole pumpkins that I have grew myself, when I cut up each one I will share it out with the others that have given me food gifts at times. The bread I packed into half loaves then froze in my downstairs freezer.
Free bread RRP $2.20 x 3 + 3.20 = $9.80
20kg pumpkin @ $1.60 kg = $32.00 (av.5kg each x 4)
Value of free food $41.80

I will not be buying much in the way of food in the next few weeks. I will be costing my meals that come out of bulk food assets so that I can put aside that amount for replacements later. Now it’s on to the next step Grocery Inventory. Then it’s menu planning. This is my project for this weekend.

Today’s Full price Tally $ 41.80
Today’s Savings - $41.80
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $938.40

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