Home > A dose of Frugal Shopping

A dose of Frugal Shopping

May 12th, 2006 at 12:45 pm

I did washing today, so that I least I have something done today while I said a few prayers. Feeling very low and lost with cold as well. A dose of Frugal Shopping is much better than sitting home thinking about my friends and making myself depressed. I walked up to the local shops to post my sympathy card and have lunch with people even if it’s alone! I went thrift shopping instead being alone, talk to my friend at one of the shops which had Two for One on clothing sale as they are closing down that thrift shop in three weeks time. I bought six garments today, 4 tops and 2 pants for $10.00 original value $140
Another Costa Moda (up market) Top $2.00 as new value $55.00 as new in my size too!
Blouse and matching tank top $3.50 as new value $35.00 as new
Top sleeveless $1.50 as new value $25.00 as new
Track pants $ 1.50 as new value $15.00
Cotton pattern pants $1.50 as new value $10.00 Total saving on clothes $130.00
Pottery vase $2.00 value $30.00 saving $28.00 This is my memory vase for my young friend.
2 containers for gift baskets @50c $1.00 saving $12.00 (one is worth around $8)
Historical Romance Novel FREE for stay in the store while a difficult customer was in the store. new value 18.95
Lunch out, Two for One Deal again Spicy Chicken Baguette, with Hungry Jacks voucher + another 30c cone & more free coffee, two cups cappuccino this time with my senior card total cost $5.55 value $15.70 saving $10.15

Today’s Full price Tally $216.65
Today’s Savings - $199.10
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $896.60

3 Responses to “A dose of Frugal Shopping”

  1. Ima saver Says:

    I am sorry you are sad and alone today. I am alone most of the time. i do have a wonderful husband, but I have no other family. I feel fortunate to have you all here at the forum.

  2. boomeyers Says:

    We're here Kitty! {{Hug}}. There is a hug for you! It is okay to feel blue, and you are doing a great job dealing with it and getting out among people. I hope DS is doing something with you this weekend! Happy Mothers Day!

  3. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I do know that it's Mother Day on Sunday but I am unlucky because DS & DIL & a friend are in Europe at this moment.and will not be back until JUNE. So this why I am more alone than usual. I am try to be postive and not mope a round the house. Thank you all for your surport here.
    I aim at doing some more downsizing in next few weeks. Food areas to start.

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