I got my pin money of $50 .00 for the odd jobs that I do for my friend D today until next time, when the tally of jobs goes in the red again! I get this in advance so it gives me a better feeling that you are not wondering if you are going to get paid or not! You do odd jobs for some people that take hours of your time then they don’t want to give anything for it. Just saying like ‘You're not doing anything /going anywhere!’ or ‘Will you just do or buy this for me, just this once I don’t have the time’, so they can go watch TV or go to work and get $100,000 a year! Then say I am broke; I’ll pay you back soon! 'In Ten years and counting.'
D is OK and this system works best for us both. I’m the one doing the tracking. We have a unit value system as one item is storage, or buying stuff for her or doing her ironing which she hates or watering her garden when they are away overseas as well as other things.
It does have some perks too! They buy expensive coffee that I can not afford, and have this when I go over to their place or when we go out together. As D is a better haggler than I am too! I do remember to take her with me; when I need to haggle at times! Often we go grocery shopping together.
And she appreciates me too!
Pin Money for Odd Jobs!
April 30th, 2006 at 08:56 pm
April 30th, 2006 at 10:31 pm 1146432705
May 1st, 2006 at 12:36 pm 1146483414
But here are what my dictionaries say on the meaning of Pin Money.
Pin Money (original) Allowance to women for dress expenses etc. (ribbons & pins) - hence, very small sum “The New Oxford Illustrated Dictionary”
Pin Money – annual allowance to woman for dress expenses etc, allowance settled on wife or money earned by her, for private expenditure. ‘The Concise Oxford Dictionary’
As my smaller dictionaries didn’t have the meaning in them, I have included them here.