Home > Looking for the Cheapest Gas Price.

Looking for the Cheapest Gas Price.

April 28th, 2006 at 08:36 pm

By the end of this week I will need to use my last Fly buys voucher up for gas, it’s worth looking for the best price as I have to drive 10 km each way to get it. Lucky, Shell has a website that tells you what the prices are at these outlets. Only a few take these vouchers too! Checking the one I normally go to were 4c dearer than next nearest so went to that one only extra km but in the opposite direction and did some shopping and errands that I need to do too!

This gas station is next door to one of larger shopping centres, so I don’t make it a practice for go there just for gas. I found a car park after a few minutes, then walked to do that errand of getting the exchange on clothes that I bought last time there. I by-passed the eatery and walked down to the craft shop, found chair pad cushions on special that I had on my shopping list to buy when found. These ones are the top quality and $8.00 off each that’s $32 for the four that I bought. Saving $32

I headed for the Shell gas station next door. I filled my tank for $31.50 after all the rebates. $1.195L less 14cL in rebates. That was a saving of $5.40 but the cost of fuel here at times differs so the saving would have been much higher if I had bought two days earlier. This car takes a little more fuel than my old car but then it’s six weeks since I did fill up last time! Saving $5.40

Bargain shopping at my local grocery store.

After buying my gas today, I drove to my local grocery store. I do my bulk frozen shopping this week. I bought two pizzas, 6 packet of frozen vegetables for winter, as the cost of vegetables here is high. We have had a cyclone which wiped out most crops. Some yogurt that was marked down to $1, some Sweet & Sour Lite Sauce 3 jars of those, & some sweet corn. Saving for this little trip $22.26 more than it cost me all up. Remembering that little rule of DON’T go shopping when hungry. I went and bought a milk shake @ $1.45 at nearby snack bar saving here too as they're cheapest for milk shakes in the area, this was my only luxury today. Saving $1.55 on milk shakes. Total savings today $61.36

Today’s Full price Tally $162.19
Today’s Savings - $ 61.36
2006 Total $-t-r-e-t-c-h Savings Tally $ 61.36

I am starting this challenge as from today! -Day 1

2 Responses to “Looking for the Cheapest Gas Price.”

  1. markio26 Says:

    great job! i am making my goal of $25 a week for groceries... will see how it goes.. i tried it last week and it was a great success.... just being aware i think it helps to budget..

  2. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    I average out at about $110 a month for groceries per month. Some months are a lot more than others are! I live off my bulk assets in food a few months then I have a buying spree for a few months restocking the freezer and pantry. It’s a kind of a cycle.

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