Home > Weather - Flooding in the outback

Weather - Flooding in the outback

January 20th, 2008 at 09:57 am

I had a quite day today, just doing the washing between showers as it’s still overcast here and flooding in the outback with two-third of the state under water.

One of the dams near Emerald Qld, is overflowing for first time in 17 years and it looks like flooding the town too! Our dams around here are still only just over quarter full. So that two dams full and overflowing and others aren’t getting much rain around the catchments. So with most of the state has some flooding our area still need more rain. My tank is still full as it’s been raining in the city area as we have had over 140 mm since Boxing Day and overcast skies most days. Well the outback got rain and they are happy about it even if it’s flooding. Charleville Qld was two weeks off finishing their flood barriers around town. The government flew in the missing parts so they could fill in the missing parts. So now some of it’s under water yet again here are some pictures.

Text is Charleville ‘protected from flooding’ and Link is
Charleville ‘protected from flooding’
Text is Charleville floods and Link is§ionname=slideshow&subsectionid=76777&subsectionname=charlevillefloods
Charleville floods
Text is our weather since Boxing Day and Link is§ionname=slideshow&subsectionname=ntstorm&photo=21
our weather since Boxing Day
Text is Index of Floods Stories and Link is
Index of Floods Stories

another no spending day

4 Responses to “Weather - Flooding in the outback”

  1. Amber Says:

    Be safe, it is amazing here it is we need water desperately and you guys a experiencing a flood

  2. Joan.of.the.Arch Says:

    It's either feast or famine! Weather in Australia always sounds so Old Testament to me. I suppose the plague of locusts will follow.... Oh, dear.

  3. nance Says:

    Hope you stay high and dry!

  4. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Thanks everyone I'm very high and dry as I live on a hill and will not go under at 20 metres. (65 feet) We are only having local creek flooding when it rains around here.

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