Home > Bird Net & That Ironing Project

Bird Net & That Ironing Project

January 9th, 2007 at 08:01 am

I did a rack of ironing today, that was the business shirts for my neighbor’s son so I am ahead on time. As this was only thing required before his mother comes home in eight weeks time but I am planning to have it all done and out of my house before he comes home in two week’s time.

My other project for the day was to get the bird netting repaired & the extra piece added to it. There is a trick to put it together too! First you do needed to repair any holes from the last time it was used. I did this by laying out the bird net on the ground then getting some clothes pins/pegs and putting them, where the hole is so I could fix all the holes at the same time.

So here is my steps for this project.

Step1 Find the hole, tag with clothespin then look for more until all found.

Step 2 Get a safety pin or bobbin using a thick NYLON string (50m roll I had bought last time I fixed it at $2.00 store). Thread the nylon string around the holes one row past hole making a circle then pulling the thread tight & tie off that hole with a knot. As so on until all holes are done. My bird net had about 15 holes to fix this time.

Step 3 Using the same nylon string, I sat in the backyard on a stool looped & knotted every 2 inches, the extra 4 x 4 metres on the old bird net. Making it now over 8x5m long with the other piece added to it.

Step 4 Now I need to get it back over my Persimmon fruit tree, which by the way is now over 6 metres tall. I do have a special long pole that I recycled a few year’s ago. That I use to lift the bird net over this tree. The Flying Foxes (Bats) to still can get at the fruit but only the ones nearest to the net. We have a large 100,000 Bat colony near where I live. $$$ Another Strategy

1 Responses to “Bird Net & That Ironing Project”

  1. Tightwad Kitty Says:

    Here are the two missing comments

    "Bird Net & That Ironing Project" on January 9th

    Author: LuxLiving
    Comment: I love your make-do attitude. We all could stand to keep fixing and repairing in mind as a viable alternative to more spending. Here's to a great persimmon harvest!

    Author: fern
    Comment: I would love to see a flying fox; that would be so cool. You're lucky, and if the tree's that big, you can probably spare a few persimmon no harm done. Everyone's gotta eat.

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