Home > De-Cluttering a Bookcase

De-Cluttering a Bookcase

January 7th, 2007 at 08:07 am

Well it’s time that start tiding up some of my bookshelves. I have a corner that need a good tidy up and put some of the books back in order, as well cull some of them. I do have a lot of books, most shelved in categories all over the house. When I go looking for a subject I need to look in some of these categories as well the other ones. The information may by in some of these books as they are on multi topics as a lot of these books are like ‘Mother Earth’ magazine that I do have one old copy of. But I have many copies of the Australian ‘Grass Roots’, I like reading these books but can never picture myself living that kind of lifestyle. I have been always a city girl, but a very much ‘Make Do, Use It Up’ person from the old school of thought. I do get a lot of my ideas and a lateral thinking from these books. One bookcase done and ten other’s to go.

2 Responses to “De-Cluttering a Bookcase”

  1. sparkysgirl Says:

    sounds like you have your work cut out for you!!

  2. janH Says:

    Since we are going to redo some rooms, my books are in boxes. Also had to get rid of one bookcase from water damage from the hurricane. Can't wait to reorganize and put the books into something useful! Enjoy your day with books!

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